
Love is a gift to treasure forever. Given by God without price tag or measure. Love is a gift we all can possess. Love is a key to a soul’s happiness! 

The priceless gift of life is love, for with the help of God above, Love can change the human race and make this world a better place. For love dissolves all hate and fear and makes our vision bright and clear. So we can see and rise above our pettiness on wings of love. 

What is Love? No words can define it — It’s something so great only God could design it. Wonder of wonders, beyond our conception, and only in God can love find true perfection. For love means much more than small words can express, for what we call love is so very much less than the beauty and depth and the true richness of God’s gift to mankind — His compassionate love. For love has become a word that’s misused, perverted, distorted, and often abused. To speak of light romance or some affinity for a passing attraction that is seldom much more than a mere interlude or inflamed fascination, a romantic fling of no lasting duration. But love is enduring and patient and kind. It judges all things with the heart, not the mind. And love can transform the most commonplace into beauty and splendor and sweetness and grace. For love is unselfish — giving more than it takes — and no matter what happens, love never forsakes. It’s faithful and trusting and always believing, guileless and honest and never deceiving. Yes, love is beyond what we can define, for love is immortal and God’s gift is divine. 

 Love is a many splendored thing, the greatest joy that life can bring, and let no one try to disparage the sacred bond of holy marriage, for love is not love until God above sanctifies the union of two people in love. 

Love is much more than a tender caress and more than bright hours of happiness, for a lasting love is made up of sharing both hours that are joyous and also despairing. It’s made up of patience and deep understanding and never of stubborn or selfish demanding. It’s made up of climbing the steep hills together and facing with courage life’s stormiest weather. Nothing on earth or in heaven can part a love that has grown to be part of the heart, and just like the sun and the stars and the sea, this love will go on through eternity, For true love lives on when earthly things die, for it’s part of the spirit that soars to the sky. 

Quotes From Helen Steriner Rice, Moments of Love 

Helen Steiner Rice (19 May 1900 – 23 April 1981) was an American writer of both inspirational and Christian poetry.  Helen Steiner was born in Lorain, Ohio on 19 May1900. Her father, a railroad worker, died in the influenza epidemic of 1918. She began work for a public utility and progressed to the position of advertising manager, which was rare for a woman at that time. She also became the Ohio State Chairwoman of the Women's Public Information Committee of the Electric Light Association, and campaigned for women's rights and improved working conditions.  

In 1929, she married Franklin Dryden Rice, a bank vice-president in Dayton, Ohio. After the stock market crash in October that year, Franklin lost his job and his investments. He fell into a depression from which he never recovered and committed suicide in 1932.  Rice became a successful businesswoman and lecturer but found her most satisfying outlet in writing verse for the greeting card company Gibson Greetings. Her poems received wide exposure in the 1960s when several were read by Aladdin on the poetry segment of the Lawrence Welk television show. The demand for her poems became so great that her books are still selling steadily after many printings, and she has been acclaimed as "America's beloved inspirational poet laureate".  

Helen Steiner Rice’s books of inspirational poetry have now sold nearly seven million copies. Her strong religious faith and the ability she had to express deep emotion gave her poems timeless appeal. She died on the evening of  23 April 1981, at age 80, and was buried in Elmwood Cemetery in Lorain, Ohio.  Pope John Paul II, President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn were admirers of her artistry.
